Tuesday, May 29, 2007


kiwis (new zealanders) and aussies (inhabitants of the world's leading vegemite-consuming country) like to kid about eachother....

Sunday, May 27, 2007

swedish surprise

Found in a restroom in katoomba, blue mountains, new south wales.

First Ikea, then Volvo and now SCA. From Göteborg, Sweden.

Friday, May 25, 2007

proudly being irish

Just got this one from Frankie Knuckles here at work, crazy guy!

Oh' when the Irish eyes are smiling.......

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon, I mean camera charger

The santa from hong-kong visited sydney and left a package for me!

May be because I was nice.

May be because I have a cool and masculine coffee cup.

I think the latter.

"What does Crustimoney Proseedcake mean?" said Pooh. "For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words Bother me."

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

state of art

origin of state of origin.

a big game was played in Oz tonight, a game of rugby. And not any rugby.

the game is a mix of football and fight club, and when it's played between the states of Australia, they call it state of origin. the players play for the state they started to play in. Hence the name. state of origin.

it's a huge thing over here. more than 50.000 aussies saw it in the stadium, and at least as many in my local pub. Queensland beat New South Wales (the state we're in) (didn't chemical brothers use this phrase already?) but beer in just the right ratios makes people happy anyhow. there's a lot of franziskaner in yours truly at the moment.
and he's got to work at nine. see you tomorrow! cheers!

Fredrik and Martin, try to get his cola!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

united colors of benetton

It's autumn in the southern hemisphere.

It's getting cold in the city of Sydney. Extremely cold. Use your scarfs and everything.

Half of the staff in the office is ill. Even more, half the Sydney is.

This is certain when the temperature suddnly drops to 17C during nighttime....

How's the summer in la Europa? How are you guys? Emails, comments are well appreciated!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Still waiting for the new camera charger soon to arrive from hong-kong. Koalas comming soon

Monday, May 14, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007

parrot brunch

One of the parrots joined me for brunch today. A big meal on the balcony, looking over Sydney harbour.


I didn't share my German herring, but rather offered pieces of citrus and kiwi fruit.

Does anyone know how to tell the sex of a parrot? Please, share the knowledge!

Friday, May 11, 2007


I cannot find the charger to my camera and even though i have seven batteries, they are unpowered - crap. i'll orderone from hong kong. meanwhile, i am going thru the already existing folders :) Barcelona.......

Thursday, May 10, 2007

mission completed

Got up at four thirty this morning, had a cup of tea for breakfast, a second one for lunch and a 350g steak for dinner at five. the mission is completed. the isntrument is installed and runs as a jamaican and an ethiopian combined. i am back in Sydney and experienced the diversity of the local public transportation. it always takes you twice the normal the first time. but now you know how it works and that you shouldn't get off at circular quay if you want to go to north sydney station. it was a nice thirty minutes walk home over the harbour bridge with the opera house to your immediate right. now it's immediate bed time. yawn. goodonya!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Hello good people. We have been working since the dusk with things that wouldn't make you very proud if you're a ve vegetarian. we have made it work much better then anytime before - it's great and the customer is jolly happy! ah, the place is called poowonga and is as pitoresque as a terrestial place can get, and the hobbits are great too! after the breakfast at seven am we had a cup of tea (sugarless) at one pm and first dinner at seven pm, with a dry martini before that. it's a hammer! and the food is five hundred times better than you think it would be in the (half) middle of nowhere. but then again, it's called the Bear House. and it's in Crainborn! and the wine is outstanding!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Hello from the land of Victoria good fellas! I have been here a day now, we are installing a big instrument in a meat factory in a town called something like Powoonga or thereabout. Very interesting. And very beautiful landscape - just like I imagined New Zealand to be, very green and hilly, lots of cows and goats and shetland ponnies and creaks and ponds and meadows and hobbits. And this is very close to Melbourne. A beautiful place!

We are staying at a lovely little motel called the Bear House. They've got a big stuffed brown bear in the restaurant cottage looking at you. The food and the wine is amazingly great - I just had some kangaroo, very rare and nice. Great place! You should come here! Now the wine tells me to go to bed! :)

How are things in Europe mates? comments please!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sydney airport

Just boarding the 06.45 flight to Melbourne. The hi-fi in the surfer store next to my ears plays some sweet dance music. What about a sunny happy remix of the Similou, All this Love! Sweet!

local news

According to a local paper, seven percent of the kids in the "rich" suburbs of Sydney meet the criteria of a person having gambling problems. If they have to much money, I can give them an account number to release their pain of carrying to havy a wallet....

oh, by the way, there is a big discussion here now whether they should build twenty something nuclear power plants or not. Australia goes green, but wtf, what about the solar power? You have it, use it!